Employment chronology: 1–3 years

Position's person specification:

  • Higher education (preferably technical, marketing).
  • Knowledge in mobile VAS-services market and fundamental understanding of VAS-services operation.
  • Knowledge in essential mobile technologies (SMS / USSD / ICB / IVR / WAP).
  • Experience in project activities (administration of projects group, creation and administration of project team, formation of assignments and their priorities, keeping of regular reporting and etc.).
  • Experience in financial planning and administration of project financial performance.
  • Expertise in working with clients / customers on the part of the vendor or provider.
  • It is advisable to have sales experience in the field of service projects, including inter alia delivery of platforms and services control.
  • It is desirable to have command of English at a level being not lower than intermediate.

Employment duties:

  • Creation, administration and development of VAS-products.
  • Procurement of planned figures with respect to the profit of business area.
  • Elaboration and planning of events dedicated to some products targets improvement and business area as a whole.
  • Market analysis, arrangement and actualization of initiatives with respect to evolution of products and their launch in new markets.
  • Close collaboration with external Partners (mobile network operators, vendors of equipment, providers, developers and etc.) and the Company's internal business units.
  • Management of project teams, setting up of effective business processes, regular reporting activities within the framework of management of all products and business areas within the business unit.

Personal skills:

  • Proficiency in making of autonomous decisions and in assuming of responsibility.
  • Competence in organizing priorities and setting goals and objectives in a proper manner.
  • Creativity, ability to think in a novel way and come up with unconventional solutions.
  • Capacity for analytics, high communication skills.

Job conditions:

Employment schedule: Monday – Friday, 9:00 – 18:00.
Salary - as per intake meeting results, bonuses – as per the working results.
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